Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 25, 2009

3 months old

Okay, I know--it's been awhile since I've posted, but in order to compensate I have posted several new posts after this one--so make sure you scroll down and check them out! And I will try to be better about keeping it updated more frequently! :)

I can't believe that Parker is already 3 months old (almost 4 now) and he is getting so big. His personality is starting to come out and he is definitely keeping Bruce and I laughing! He is sleeping 9-10 hours at night, much to the delight of his parents :) and wakes up happy and smiling! He loves to smile, coo, kick and has even laughed several times. He is now happily putting his fingers in his mouth, found his feet and is even starting to play with toys. He weighs 14.5 lbs and is 25 1/2 inches long. He is keeping his head up more and more, 'walking up' your stomach, and standing with his legs so straight! He's even rolled over from his stomach to his back already--thank goodness it's only been once--I'm not quite ready for mobility yet! :) These past few months have been amazing and we have been so blessed with our precious baby boy! Enjoy the pictures!

Parker wearing a new sunhat from GiGi and Grandaddy

Wearing his sleepgown from Cousin Whitney

Picture time after church

A little Halloween costume preview! (and we did try to find a pumpkin outfit, but with no luck--so it just had to be a Tiger! hehe) :)

Passed out while daddy checks out the latest Clemson info

Holding his foot :)

We also went to our really good friend's 30th Birthday party, it was a bonfire with s'mores and all! Lynn is truly one of my closest friends, and we are so blessed to have her family apart of our lives. We love you guys!

Birthday girl and her precious little girl, Anna

Supper Club men and the boys

Supper Club women and the little one :)

Anna showing us how she can still sit in the little chair--sorta :)

Meeting Great-Granny and Great Aunt Sharon

This past week, Parker and I drove down to Florence to see my Grandma and Aunt Sharon who were visiting. This was my first time driving alone with Parker and he did great!! Bruce unfortunately couldn't join us because he was working, but we had a good time. My Grandma came down from Ohio and my aunt flew all the way from California to visit family. My Grandma definitely teared up and was so excited to meet her great-grandson! And Aunt Sharon was taking every opportunity to hold and cuddle with Parker--sometimes even from YaYa! :) We really enjoyed our time together and we hope to see them again soon!
Great-Granny meeting Parker

Getting some mommy time

Great-Granny loving on her great grandson

"Man, I'm so tired"

Papa seeing how strong Parker's legs are (look at those cute chubby legs) :)

Aunt Tracie hanging out with her nephew

YaYa and Tracie's "baby", Wylie

Great-Aunt Sharon and Parker

4 Generations all together

Visit's with Family

So a couple of weekends ago we got to visit with family. One weekend we went to Florence and got to see that side of the family, and the next weekend my Dad came to visit us and go to the Clemson football game. We had a great time seeing everyone and we always look forward to spending time with our loved ones. Enjoy the pics!

Bruce's good friend, Dave came and stayed with us one night
My Dad (Grandpa) and Parker

All of the men

Daddy and Parker relaxing watching football while in Florence

Parker playing on my old blanket

Papa rocking Parker to sleep

Parker giving YaYa her birthday present from him

YaYa thanking him for her present :)

Parker's First Clemson Tailgate

So we decided to finally take Parker to his first Clemson tailgate (attending his first football game will come later--according to Bruce, when he can sit and enjoy the game, like age 4) :) We had a great time, although it rained--luckily (and thankfully) GiGi stayed at the tailgate to watch Parker while I went to the first half. Parker took a long nap in the van and didn't really seem to miss much! We had a great time and Parker will be attending many more!

Rick "Weathers" holding Parker
Daniel, Bruce and GiGi

Annie and Jo "Weathers"

YaYa and Me (with newly dyed brown hair--I wanted a fun change) ;)

Grandaddy and Parker

The Clayton's
Parker wearing an adorable golf outfit that GiGi gave him (notice the golf shoes) :)