Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, April 23, 2012

2011 Re-cap Continued....

In this post you will see pictures from November, Thanksgiving, December, our Hollywild trip and Christmas.  There are going to be alot of pictures--so get ready for a LONG blog to scroll through.  (Thought I would give a fair warning to those who don't want to look at all of the pictures!)  And if you are missing Bruce in the Thanksgiving/November pictures it is because he was in Israel for 10 days!!  It was an incredible trip and he learned so much and it was a once in a lifetime opportunity!!  Make sure you ask him to tell you about it the next time you see him and to see all 320 pictures!!  :)  (sorry, not going to do a blog post--unless Bruce feels so inclined.  Which, let's face it--probably won't happen.  But all of the pictures are printed and in a album!!)  ;)


 Thanksgiving was spent at my Dad's.  Parker and I went up for the day and spent time with my Dad, Grandpa, Aunt and cousin.  It was such a nice day, Parker of course had to go outside and throw rocks into the lake!! :)

 This is one of my last pictures of my Grandpa and Parker.  He passed away this past March 2012, a few weeks shy of his 93rd birthday.  I miss him terribly, but find comfort that he is in Heaven with my Grandma.
 Parker and my cousin Ginny

The weekend after Thanksgiving Parker, GiGi and I drove down to Florence to see my Mom, sister, brother-in-law and of course baby McKinnley!! ;)

One of the first weeks of December, we went to Hollywild to see the Christmas lights and to feed the animals!  We got to experience this trip with our good friends the Pascazio's and we had a great time!!  Parker and Anna were so excited to see all of the Christmas lights and went crazy over the animals!! ;)


        We went to Florence the weekend before Christmas to celebrate with my Mom, sister, brother-in-law and niece!! It was a great time spent with family!! 

Here is a couple of pictures of Parker at his school Christmas program--they got sandwiched in the middle of the Florence Christmas pictures somehow.  

Back to Florence.....

For Christmas morning, we were at Bruce's parents.  It was alot of fun to see Parker get excited about Santa Clause and of course, he was a very good boy this year!! :)  We all got to see what Santa brought us, ate a wonderful breakfast and then opened presents.  Christmas night the entire Lee family came over to celebrate!!  It was a great holiday season!!  :)

This picture was taken at the Door's--Papa Carl and Mama Jo's Christmas tradition on Christmas Eve. 

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