Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Father's Day and July 4th (a catch up post)

Well, again I am catching up on posts and this one is from Father's Day, Parker's dedication and Fourth of July in Florence and celebrating Parker's birthday a little early. To be quite honest I haven't wanted to post in awhile because I didn't want to see pictures of Jamie just quite yet...I still tear up and at times sob when looking at them. But even though it is hard for me, I am so thankful that I have these to look back on and show Parker when he gets older and help him remember just how much his PaPa loved him.

These first couple of pictures are of Parker wearing the same clothes that Bruce wore as a baby!!! I had the idea of taking pictures of Parker wearing the same clothes and giving them to Bruce for his first Father's Day present. Thanks to Jeanie and the fact that she never got rid of anything of Bruce's!! :) I have these wonderful pics!!

A Classic Parker pose!!

Love this! "Peek-a-boo mommy!"

"see my Tiger paw rattle..."

This was such a precious outfit--even the shoes were Bruce's!! :)

Isn't this too cute--he was practicing clapping his hands!! :)

"I'm a big boy!!"

Love it!! Go Tigers!

So for Father's Day weekend we packed it all in!! Bruce and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary, my Dad came to visit, we had Parker's baby dedication and then Father's Day!! Whew!! We were so blessed to have both our families there for Parker's dedication and had a wonderful meal at Lucian and Jeanie's (thanks again!!). What a very special weekend!!
Dad giving Parker one of his bottles--he gave up the bottle not too long after this!

YaYa and Parker before the dedication

The whole family!!

Grandaddy and Parker

He found the ice!!!

Giving Jamie his Father's Day present

4 generations of Lee's!!

I will always cherish this picture--it's the last one I took of all 3 of them together

Grandpa and a very happy boy!

Uncle Jamie and Aunt Tracie

I love this one--Nanny and Huey playing with Parker :)

Clapping his hands

Happy 1st Father's Day Daddy!!

These next few pictures are hilarious!! Lucian was in Texas on a trip and brought back an official cowboy hat for Parker. The thing is--it was a little too small!! And Parker isn't crazy about wearing hats (at first...but then he liked it!!) :)

" have one too?!?!"

"well, okay then--I like it now!!"

We went down to the Lee family reunion at Lake Murray on July 4th, but of course-I left my camera packed in the car!! But then we drove down to Florence for the rest of the weekend and I did get some pictures. We also celebrated Parker's birthday a few days early for the family members that wouldn't be able to make it to his birthday party.

Mom (YaYa) and Parker in the pool

Jamie (PaPa) and Parker playing in the pool

He was fascinated by the candle! :) We did a trial run with a cupcake...

and he loved all of us singing to him

making sure that PaPa was watching :)

'umm...let me try this out--"

"I think I like the taste, but not so sure about this stuff on my hands!!"

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all of that hard work--it was a long post, and I know how much time it takes to put that many pictures up. I feel all caught up now. :) But I still miss you.
