Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, July 10, 2009


Parker Sullivan Lee
He came at 9:21 PM last night, weighs 8 lbs 3 oz, 20 3/4 inches long. He and mama are doing well. Lauren pushed for almost 2 hrs and he wasn't cooperating so we did a c-section. Needless to say everybody's tired, but Parker is doing great. Thanks to everyone for the texts, calls, e-mails but most of all the prayers!! It was a long day but a great one because the Lord has blessed us with a beautiful little boy!! Here are a few pictures( that somehow ended up posting in reverse order... first one was last and last one first---but you get the idea!)


  1. He's super cute! Congrats!! Can't wait to meet him in person one day!

  2. Parker, I must have looked at your pictures a hundred times now. You are the sweetest, cutest baby boy (well, besides my own sweet Eli), and I can't wait to kiss those little cheeks. I know your mommy & daddy are so proud of you. I love you, Baby Boy!

    Aunt Shelley
